The Best Books for 8th Graders 

For many of us, stories are a vital element in our lives. They have the power to inform our worldview, help us explore new perspectives, and teach us valuable lessons that we carry with us forever. Adolescence is an exciting and often difficult time both personally and in education. Children in the 8th grade are beginning to develop their own unique identities and opinions and take on more complex educational concepts. Novel studies provide a distinct opportunity for them to engage with new ideas, advance their skills in reading and writing, and continue their literary journey.

8th Grade Novel Studies

Total Language Plus offers parents structured and thorough Christian-focused study guides to help students at all reading levels. Our collection of novels and educational guides are grade-appropriate in terms of difficulty and subject matter and offer fun and challenging assignments, projects, worksheets, and other activities to help students in their academic careers and in their exploration of the gospel.

Keep reading to learn more about a few of our favorite books for 8th graders.

Call of the Wild - The Best Books for 8th Graders

The Call of the Wild

Originally published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is a long-beloved adventure novel authored by Jack London that offers an excellent opportunity for slightly more mature readers to connect with complex themes and advance their comprehension and critical thinking skills. The story is set in the rugged wilderness of Yukon, Canada during the 1980s Klondike Gold Rush – a unique time in history, when sled dogs were of high value.

Our hero in this adventure is a dog named Buck. This 140-pound St. Bernard-Scotch Collie mix is stolen from his comfortable California home and sold to the Klondike to work as a sled dog in the harsh and untamed Yukon. As the novel progresses, Buck becomes increasingly primitive, driven by his wild instincts as he adapts to the rugged environment. Along the way, he befriends a loyal master named John Thornton and joins a wolf pack. Through his incredible transformation from a domesticated California dog to a feral leader in the wild, Buck eventually becomes a legend in the Klondike.

Our study guide for The Call of the Wild covers comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and enrichment suggestions. Students complete worksheets, writing topics, hands-on activities, and field trips. This novel and the accompanying study guide offer a unique opportunity for 8th graders to explore themes of destiny, belonging, transformation, and friendship and provide an excellent chance to develop critical and symbolic thinking through novel studies.

The Trumpeter of Krakow - The Best Books for 8th Graders

The Trumpeter of Krakow

The Trumpeter of Krakow is a historical fiction novel for young adult readers that centers around a fire that burned a great deal of the Polish city of Krakow in 1462. Written by Eric P. Kelly and first published in 1928, this award-winning novel tells the story of the Charnetski family, who are the caretakers of the Great Tarnov Crystal, which captivates all those who know of it. 

The family must flee their home of Kresy (modern-day Ukraine) and make their way to Poland in order to protect the crystal from mercenaries and other, even more frightening foes. Old cultural traditions and ancient vows play a central role in this beloved story. As the Charnetski family becomes entangled in the schemes of alchemists, hypnotists, and others who seek the jewel, they must uphold ancient covenants and protect the city from the plundering Tartars.

The language of The Trumpeter of Krakow is rich and the story gives students an opportunity to discover ancient culture and traditions through a fast-paced, enjoyable novel with themes including loyalty, family, greed, and honor. Our study guide provides worksheets, writing prompts, and enrichment suggestions to enhance students’ novel studies as they develop their comprehension, spelling, grammar, and critical thinking.

The Twenty-One Balloons - The Best Books for 8th Graders

The Twenty-One Balloons

Written by Lois Lowry and published in 1993, The Giver is a wildly popular and critically acclaimed novel set in a dystopian world. The book follows Jonas, a young boy who lives in a futuristic settlement where everyone is free from sadness and pain. The community has adopted a state of “Sameness” where people cannot perceive color and possess no individuality or complex emotions. The citizens are genetically engineered and every decision in one’s life is determined by the town elders. 

When Jonas turns twelve, he is assigned the unique job of being the “Receiver of Memory” and becomes the only member of the community with knowledge of their entire history. This new role sends him on a revealing journey in which he must face the difficult truth of his community and find a way to escape their control.

The Giver is a wonderful and challenging exploration of morality, responsibility, truth, and self-determination. Our structured study guide provides 8th-grade students with activities and exercises that will strengthen their grammar, comprehension, vocabulary, and analysis of literary and biblical themes. The book and our supplementary materials serve as a wonderful examination of complex concepts for children on the precipice of adolescence through a Christian lens. The book provides opportunities for novel studies and encourages in-depth consideration of themes such as morality, eugenics, control, and free-will while being thrilling and engaging from start to finish.